Monday, 2 September 2013

Gallery Exhibition - Ås Togstasjon - Norway.

This time i'm posting about an Exhibition 
myself and 2 girlfriends are 
holding at the moment at the 
trainstation cafe in Ås, Norway.
It's an exhibition of acrylics/mixed media 
on canvas and Photography.

We held the vernisasje on Sunday (the 1st of September).
It was so nice to see lots of familiar friendly faces 
who had taken the trip to come join us and have a look.
Some paintings and photos were sold too, an extra bonus.

 So if you are in the area, do drop in.
The Cafe has a charming atmosphere, 
with tasty food and good coffee!
There is also a darling shop on the second floor 
thats worth a visit.

1 comment:

  1. Nej hvor er det spændende med udstilling, jeg havde slet ikke fået set det her indlæg!
    Dine billeder er så lækre, jeg er lidt forelsket i knapperne ;) stjæler måske ideen :)
    Og hvor ser du godt ud på billedet
    Ha det godt og god weekend


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