Friday, 26 February 2010

Another useful recyled item...and my Japanese doll.

I have been busy this time with something that is not made of paper! I saw the idea ages ago, and thought i must give that a go!
The other day I went to my local secondhand shop, and came accross these lovley sausers and plate by wedgewood. Unfortunatly they were missing the cup. I found some small glasses that suited in size between the plates.
I made sure that everything was squeeky clean and dry. Then glued it all together with superglue :O) My very own cake stand that is unique and only cost a couple of pounds to make :O)) (not one for the dishwasher). The muffin shaped pot is just placed on the top, it dosen't usually sit there but it did for the photo :O) I bought that at Søsterene Grene.
I should mention that since it is a small 'cake stand' it is actually better for serving sweeties and chocolates on.. mmm :OD

I also took a picture of another little project I am working on at the moment, I have a small but growing collection of small wooden Japanese dolls. So when I saw this little unpainted wooden doll at Panduro, I decided to try and make my own :O)
It is not finished yet as you see she has no face yet, and I plan to paint some small flowers on her jacket . I have glued some wooden beads to her head to look like hair buns, and have painted her with a mix of matt and shiney hobby paints.


  1. Wow Nina, you are so clever. Love the idea of the cake stand and your little japanese doll is going to look ever so nice. Hope we will see her when you have finished.

  2. You clever girl!!!!
    Love sarah XXX

  3. Hei Nina.
    For en kjempeidé å lage sitt eget etasjefat..hehe...heter det det mon tro?
    Ha en fortsatt kreativ helg!!
    Go'klemmer fra Wenche :0)

  4. Hi Nina, I love the cake stand, what a treasure. Love your Japanese doll, can't wait to see her when she's been completed. Hugs Sharon

  5. Hi Nina, I absolutely love your cake stand it's a great creative idea!!
    have you had chance to use it yet?


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